Monday, November 29, 2010

Ubuntu Vs Windows

You know what happens when you use Windows? When you ask it to do something, it thinks about it, and then keeps on thinking about it, and then you go and make a cup of coffee, and it is still thinking about it. Then it fucks your brains up. If Yes! Then there’s a way to stop that. Stop using Windows and use Ubuntu instead.
Ubuntu is a Debian-based distribution of Linux Operating System. If you don’t know one of those, Google it, and then come back.  Ubuntu aims to provide “an open-source alternative to Windows and Office”.  Ubuntu is a version of Linux that is pleasant to use. “Linux for Human Beings” as they call it. Hah!
Many people like it, many don’t, the fact that Ubuntu is better than Windows - and for some good reasons. Below are lists of reasons for making me feel this way:

1.      No Viruses
First of all there is no 100% security, but with Linux on, the large amount of risk is reduced as compared to Windows. This is mainly because a virus cannot do anything on your computer. For a virus to run on your computer, it needs your password which it doesn’t have. While in Windows, even with my latest up-to-date Anti-Virus, I manage to catch a virus. Then what I do, I uninstall the current Anti-Virus and install another one. And if this also fails, then comes hours of searching through registry keys, deleting and changing keys or installing software that you will never use again!

2.      Open  Source
Unlike Windows, most of the applications for Ubuntu are open source, meaning that you can view the source code - free of charge. Why is this a good point you may ask? Well, that means that not only can you help developer it, you can change it for your needs, or just see how things work. This can be a great help if you are a software developer yourself!

3.      Live CD
Try before you use? What an idea! Ubuntu comes on a Live CD - Meaning that you can boot from the CD, and use Ubuntu just like you would do if it were installed on your computer. Now this means that if you do not like it, you can just eject the CD. Of course, the best thing about being able to boot from this live CD is that if anything were to go wrong with your installation, you can access all of your files!

4.      Free Software
99% of the software available for Ubuntu is free. You want any software, just search and download it. It’s just that simple! If there is a bug that is found within an application, within a matter of days, or even hours an update is available for you to download. So you don’t need to spend any money to try any new software that is available for Windows!

5.      It’s Easy to Use
Ubuntu especially, is the easiest operating system to use. Any settings that you may need to change you can access via menus and settings windows. Yes you can use the terminal to do things, however if you do not want to use it, you don't have to!

6.      Community/Forum  Help
Have a problem? No problem. Ubuntu has an amazing community willing to help you with any problems that you may have. is a good place to start if you need to know anything Ubuntu related.

7.      Apt-get
Apt-get’ing software is fun, free and easy. I love to know that an application that I need is just a little nice download away. Apt does a superb job in managing your application dependencies (don't worry if you don't know what this means, just be glad you don't need to know!). If you want to install VLC media player in Ubuntu, just type

sudo apt-get install vlc

in the terminal, it will prompt for administrator’s password and within minutes you’ll get VLC media player! Isn’t it fun!

8.      Ubuntu Software Center
If you don’t want to use the terminal at all for getting software, here’s a solution for you, Ubuntu Software Center! Open up, search and just click install and you are ready to go with your new software!

9.      Highly Customizable
Don't like where the start menu is? Want to change the theme of the terminal? Sure! Ubuntu makes it so easy to customize anything whether it is down to the appearance, how it handles files, or how they applications start up - without a million different registry hacks as in Windows! There are countless ways to make your desktop YOUR desktop. and are great places to start your customization.

10.   /home Folder
Need to re-install Windows? Make sure you back up all of your personal files! Then when you re-install it, and put all your files back on, it will be as good as it was! Well, no actually. All the settings that you changed for each application, to get it running just how you want it to, will be lost. With Ubuntu, it will store all your settings into your home folder, so if you want to re-install the OS, you can back-up your /home folder or during installation select a different partition for it!

11.   Default Software
Ubuntu’s default software selection is great. It has a full featured word processor, spreadsheet editor, and presentation creator. For people who use facebook or twitter regularly, Ubuntu includes Gwibber, a software that fully integrates your social networking with your desktop. For web browsing, Ubuntu has Firefox and if you want to instant message Ubuntu's Empathy supports facebook, AIM, yahoo, MSN, IRC, Gmail etc. etc…

12.   Adding Hardware
Windows is the most popular operating system in the world. Almost any piece of hardware you purchase comes with a handy CD for installing the drivers the hardware needs to function properly. Well in Ubuntu, when you attach your hardware to the computer, it will start functioning right away, whether it is graphics card or whatever. Ubuntu will offer to automatically download and install any closed source drivers the hardware needs to function.

So to sum up then, it’s not that I don’t like Windows (of course I do, for GAMING!!), or I’m anti-Microsoft, but what I feel is why everybody is not using it. Atleast for people studying Computer Engineering should try or use Ubuntu or any other Linux distributions. Personally, I dual boot with Ubuntu with Windows 7, and use Windows only for gaming. For other purposes like programming or internet, I use Ubuntu. Its fun and you never stop learning something new. This is not to say that you need to know everything about it before you begin to use it!

Disclaimer: This is only a personal view. And it’s from a guy who’s using Linux and liking it! Its only for beginners like me and the reasons I’ve written are what I feel..